D.I.Y - Journal

Created this journal in my free time, and it's super quick and easy to re-create.

I used Linen Fabric to cover the front and back of the plain book and the theme I was looking for was vintage chic, which I adore.
I ordered the fabric & the plain book from eBay.
- linen fabric
- plain book / journal / diary
- hot glue glue / or super glue
- measuring ruler
- scissors
What you want to start off doing, is measuring the book to the fabric leaving an inch of fabric around it, which you can then fold in and glue to the inner cover of the book. Once that's done, you can leave it to set and dry, leaving a heavy weight on top of it.

and ta-daa your journal is complete!

If you would like to check out the fabric I purchased here is the [L I N K]


MT said...

Looks beautiful... Love the fabric design!

☆ Anoofah said...

WOW aren't you a real artist :D would be great if you can make customized one for me :")

Temporary:Secretary said...

I love DIY blog posts, would love to see more like this x

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