Skin Care

Clean & Clear Advantage Spot Treatment Gel - Review

Are you tired of spots growing on your face and hate the fact they stand out? Well let me tell you, your in for a treat. Last week I was browsing my local store and I came across the health and beauty section and to find this new Clean & Clear Advantage Spot treatment gel. I purchased this spot treatment when it first came out and let me tell you this product is AMAZING works instantly once you applied on your spot/pimple you would feel this tingly sensation that's how u now the formula is working and as it says on the tube reduces spot within 4 hours it WORKS! I have been using this for just 3 days, and I can say that this is the best spot treatment I've ever used!! My spots has gone. I always use this gel on spots before I go to bed, but after the gel has dried you do find the pimple to be dry and flaky but don't worry after you cleansed and washed your face and apply moisturiser you have nothing to worry about.

How to apply:
Use while cleansed face then apply on spots. (A little goes a long way)

What It does:
Fast action
Immediate action
Helps reduce spots within 4 hours
helps keep spots away
*With daily usage*
 Tube size: 15ml
Where to find: Boots, Superdrug, Tesco or Amazon & eBay.



☆ Anoofah said...

keep up the Good work Dear :) great review

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