Just the other day I did some shopping at Oxford street In London. I had my eye on a Zara bowling bag that I've been wanting for a while now, before going into ZARA I popped into Primark and guess what?! I found a similar bag to the Zara one. The quality of the Primark bag is not bad either.
I just had to grab it, What makes it even better is the price!
ZARA - £49.99
PRIMARK - £14.00 NOW £10.00
Here is the actual Zara bowling bag that I wanted...
This picture does not belong to me belongs to the official Zara site
As you can see the Zara bag has gold buckles on the ends of the handle where as on the Primark bag it just has a simple handle which I like ten times better :)
Here I have taken pic's of my ''dupe'' Zara bowling bag.
Which one would you prefer ??
Comment me I would love to read your thoughts <3