My personal Journal

I've been really into journal writing lately and I was trying to find some creative inspiration. I always seem to be thinking a lot staring into space, day dreaming so I thought to my self instead of exploding my brains out why don't I just write about it. I've started writing in my book for 3 months now and I really enjoy it I think it helps too. I always carry it around with me so whenever I have something on my mind I can always write it down. What I keep in my journal, I write lots of personal stuff and things like where I go, what I did during the day or list of things to do, jotting notes or even sticking random bits of paper or I'll stick parts of nature to the book e.g. Dead leaves or plants. Things that remind you of something. Trust me keeping a journal is fun if you love to write its great idea to help with your writing It's good to keep some parts of records in your life for the good, the bad even the ugly, It will be interesting looking back at your writing and see how much you've changed.

Do you keep a journal, If so what would you write about?

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Perfume ♥

Lancome Tresor Midnight Rose
one of my fav perfume ♥
Smells sweet one sprites of this will last through out the whole day.



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